Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Why the MSM is failing...

Victor Davis Hanson provides a look at the failure of the MSM and its probable further descent into obscurity here.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Bill Clinton: Friend of the Working Man

On Special Report with Brit Hume, it was reported that Bill Clinton was in Rome trying to galvanize support for tsunami relief. One of his aides called a restaurant and made dinner reservations for Clinton and his entourage of 17.

The Secret Service came in and surveyed the restaurant for security, and the owner ensured that part of the dining room would be cleared to their satisfaction. The owner also bought $1,800 worth of fine wine and food for this event.

When dinner time came, no one showed up.

The owner called (presumably the hotel where Clinton is staying) and inquired about the no show. He was abruptly told, "Change of plans" and they hung up on him.

Now isn't that the way to improve the American reputation in Europe? Isn't Bill Clinton a friend of the working man?

Too bad it didn't happen in Paris.

Monday, May 23, 2005

The Devil Made Me Do It!

Notice the crossed fingers? That's military code for "coercion". American POWs use this as a signal to indicate they were forced to do whatever the picture displays. Posted by Hello

Notice how awkward Hilary looks by shaking that GI's hand? Her arm is in an uncomfortable position. She is almost grimacing - wonder if he's squeezing her hand? *G*

Thanks to American Warmonger for the pic!

Friday, May 20, 2005

Saddam Unveiled

Okay, I'm not outraged anymore. From FOX News some news rags printed photos of Saddam in his jockeys while being examined by a medic. Some people are upset; some don't care.

I've become the latter. Yeah, I know, it might make Arabs more mad. Yeah, it might be a violation of the Geneva Convention. Slap the culprit's hands. But I'm getting to the point where I don't give a rat's ass what the lefty news rags are printing. We're not even sure if they're real photos. For all we know, they could be Saddam's head superimposed over Howard Dean's body. Oh wait, that's a braying jackass's head on Howie's body.

After reporting the alleged Koran flushing story, what else is there to do? How mad can the Muslims get? They're already trying to use nukes, they flew planes into buildings, they've cut off people's heads... Doesn't matter what we do now.

It would have been more interesting if they were photos of Saddam dancing the Dance of the Seven Veils. What I would have really liked is to see a picture of Saddam in his jockeys getting his HEAD flushed down the toilet. Now that's a picture worth a thousand words.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

from Sanctuary

Oh man, this is beautiful.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

MSM Garbage

MSM aka Mainsteam Media, aka Miasma for Morons.

Newsweek, CBS, The New York Times, The LA Times. They can be flushed down the toilet along with the Koran.

Not only are they biased, bigoted and treacherous, but they are ARROGANT too.

Case in point: the attitude and RUDENESS displayed by journalists at the WH press con with McClellan. Elizabeth Bumiller asks "Are you asking them to write a story about how great the American military is..."

She's lucky I wasn't there. I would have said, "Yeah, moonbat, how about a story saying how great the American military is? When's the last time you published something which showed their humanity and generosity? When they provided 800 pairs of shoes for kids in Baghdad? Or saved a baby who needed medical care? How about it, you stupid cow? You Michael Moore ass-kissing, Ward Churchill scum-sucking sorry excuse for a human being? The American military is SO MUCH BETTER THAN YOU AND YOUR LOUSY COTERIE OF IVORY TOWER PSEUDO INTELLECTUALS. There is more humanity in the little finger of a lowly US Army private than in your entire diseased body!"

How dare these arrogant cowards (and they ARE cowards) assume that they are better than the rest of the masses?

I know a better place for their rags. Shoved up their arses.