MSM aka Mainsteam Media, aka Miasma for Morons.
Newsweek, CBS, The New York Times, The LA Times. They can be flushed down the toilet along with the Koran.
Not only are they biased, bigoted and treacherous, but they are ARROGANT too.
Case in point: the attitude and RUDENESS displayed by journalists at the WH press con with McClellan. Elizabeth Bumiller asks "Are you asking them to write a story about how great the American military is..."
She's lucky I wasn't there. I would have said, "Yeah, moonbat, how about a story saying how great the American military is? When's the last time you published something which showed their humanity and generosity? When they provided 800 pairs of shoes for kids in Baghdad? Or saved a baby who needed medical care? How about it, you stupid cow? You Michael Moore ass-kissing, Ward Churchill scum-sucking sorry excuse for a human being? The American military is SO MUCH BETTER THAN YOU AND YOUR LOUSY COTERIE OF IVORY TOWER PSEUDO INTELLECTUALS. There is more humanity in the little finger of a lowly US Army private than in your entire diseased body!"
How dare these arrogant cowards (and they ARE cowards) assume that they are better than the rest of the masses?
I know a better place for their rags. Shoved up their arses.