Thursday, July 28, 2005

Another Meltdown by the Dean Machine

Howard Dean is unhinged again. In front of the College Democrats of America the mad doctor blamed the President and "his right wing Supreme Court" for the latest erosion of Property Rights... of course!

But... the DNC Chairman doesn't seem to realize is:

1. President George W. Bush has yet to appoint a Supreme Court Justice.

2. The Justices who voted in favor of this outrage were LIBERALS! Souter, Ginsberg, Breyer, Kennedy and Stevens all voted in favor of taking private property for commercial gain. The dissidents were CONSERVATIVES: Scalia, Rehnquist and Thomas. Even O'Connor dissented.

The crowd applauded Dean's hystrionics. Sort of like the the crowds who applauded Hitler's half-truths.

Howard Dean is a demagogue in the truest sense of the word.

(H/T to The Wide Awakes.)