Friday, July 29, 2005

Barf Bag Not Included

Here's a reason why you wanna stay the hell away from Berkeley:

Breasts Not Bombs:

Get a load of the hairy armpits and saggy tits...

"Reveal the Truth"??? Uhhh... there are some things I'd rather not see...

We oughtta send these hags to Baghdad. That should send the insurgents screaming out of the country...

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Another Meltdown by the Dean Machine

Howard Dean is unhinged again. In front of the College Democrats of America the mad doctor blamed the President and "his right wing Supreme Court" for the latest erosion of Property Rights... of course!

But... the DNC Chairman doesn't seem to realize is:

1. President George W. Bush has yet to appoint a Supreme Court Justice.

2. The Justices who voted in favor of this outrage were LIBERALS! Souter, Ginsberg, Breyer, Kennedy and Stevens all voted in favor of taking private property for commercial gain. The dissidents were CONSERVATIVES: Scalia, Rehnquist and Thomas. Even O'Connor dissented.

The crowd applauded Dean's hystrionics. Sort of like the the crowds who applauded Hitler's half-truths.

Howard Dean is a demagogue in the truest sense of the word.

(H/T to The Wide Awakes.)

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Back in the saddle...

Whew, it's been a long time since I've posted. Been busy with RL.

Not been reading many blogs lately, but then nothing's changed in the world: London terrorism, Israel terrorism, Egypt terrorism, Iraq terrorism... blah blah blah...

I loved Congressman Tancredo's remark about destroying Mecca SHOULD the Muslim bastards use nukes here in the US. This guy knows what we're up against and it's a helluva lot worse than the Japanese during WWII.

More good reading can be found at Sixth Column Against Jihad. There you can read about inside Islam and why it ain't a "religion" of peace. Fact is, it's hardly a religion at all. I know there are leftys and bleeding heart Christians who would cringe at the thought that Islam is evil, but then they live an insulated life with their heads up their butts. Listening to idiots like them is what's causing the West to lose the war on terror.

Sixth Column is also a good blogspot to read and bookmark.